Happy Tuesday everybody!
As my month and a half off from work draws to a close i thought now would be a good time to make some sort of an update post. Having this time off was awesome and gave me some time to actually focus on some personal projects which I'd wanted to do ever since putting out No-Man ep3 last year. I've already managed to double my output from 1 submission last year. : P
I have some other projects I'm working on but they may not be ready for a while since i will be back to spending most of my time working soon, but I'm hoping to have at least 2 or 3 more toons out by year's end! This is the most motivated I've ever been to be creative in a long time and i hope i can maintain it for the rest of the year.
In case anyone might have missed them here are the two toons I've put out so far this year. One of them a collaboration with cecameron!
And finally I'm getting really excited for Pico Day and to see everyone again. Last year was a blast and i have a feeling this year will be even better, especially since we're flying this time instead of driving.
I just decked out a fresh new sketchbook and i hope I'll be able to collect lots of you guy's amazing art!
MAN! That book is sick!
Thanks! Had to have the radest sketchbook for the radest party!